correlation between more than 3 teams working on one product
I am scrum master for a product which is some how new in world and difficult to add new values and increments. the problem is that there are 4 different groups working on this product and each are developing a part that is independent from other parts. I need to have solutions for correlation between these groups in order to deliver all parts of the product in a package as a whole, since each group claim that our part is not dependent to other groups so we do it and deliver our part only.
what is the solution for this challenge to make the groups work as a team and deliver the product as a whole?
They seem to have the right idea, in so far as reducing the dependencies between teams improves transparency over who can do what, and the commitments each team can make.
The risk is that they fail to integrate their work early and often enough to have viable product Increments which validate business assumptions. My advice is to encourage the independent team ethos in the first instance and as far as possible, while looking to Scaled Professional Scrum for managing integration risk.
Thank you for your reply.