Internal Team Health Tracking
My question is, what mechanisms are people using to track the health of their teams, from the Scrum Master perspective?
There are tools/processes which we're using as part of our Bi-Weekly retrospectives, which are documented and action items are tracked as part of Sprints. There are continuous conversations with members of the Scrum Team and Stakeholders, which again are documented and tracked via action items.
I'm talking about tracking "I think this team could do a better job managing their backlog, I want to follow up on that", "I think this team isn't communicating well, I want to follow up on that", "I think this teams attendance in ceremonies is decreasing, I want to bring that up in the next sprint retrospective/stand up".
I have multiple Scrum Teams (Which is it's own problem that I'm attempting to resolve), so I'm trying to establish an overview of these areas, so I can prioritize my time. I've tried a "Traffic Light" system against key criteria, other members just note points down in OneNote, but I wondered if others have their own ways of tracking?
Is there a reason for institutionalizing delay, by tracking items for later follow-up, rather than encouraging teams to inspect and adapt now?
There is, but I refrain from mentioning it initially, as that's what people then get caught up on. I'm a Scrum Master for 3 teams (Which I know is a major impediment and I'm working to correct this, but as we all know, it takes time and we have to keep moving until it can be resolved).
So I don't have the luxury of being able to address everything that needs addressing immediately, I have to prioritize.
I agree with @Ian. Why not just bring it up when you think about it? The Retrospective isn't the only time/place that you can bring up topics. If you are all located in the same area of an office, just bring it up as you all sit. If you are geographic dispersed I'm going to bet you have some kind of chat system like Slack or Microsoft Teams. Bring it up in a channel or group chat. Get others thinking about it and then let the group discuss it organically. It has always worked for me.
Also, by doing this you are demonstrating the Scrum Values of Commitment, Focus, Openness, Respect, and Courage. Leading by example goes a long way.