Help understanding my Agile homework
Hello all!
I'm currently taking a Project Management certificate program and i'm working through the agile portion of the class. Part of our homework is to analyze a set of burn down charts, and tell the "Stakeholders" (our teachers) what we think the reason is for the graph shape.
Most of them are pretty easy to analyze and I feel as though as I have a good grasp on it so far, but there is one that absolutely stumps me.
My first thought was that the team or project owner added user stories to the iteration backlog after the project started, but then I second guessed myself as I assumed they should be finishing the current iteration backlog before adding new stories in the middle of an iteration.
For context, we have no information on the company, product, project or anything.
Can anybody help me understand this?
In Scrum, the Developers may discover new work, at any point during a Sprint, which is necessary for them to meet their Sprint Goal commitment. If so, they may adjust their forecast of work on the Sprint Backlog accordingly.
That is one possible explanation among many for the chart you show. However, your teachers are missing the point. If a burndown chart is used, we should expect the Developers to be able to explain what is happening...not somebody else. Can the Developers monitor their own progress, tell the story of a complex challenge being managed, and actually correlate the data to the reality?