Nexus Events timeboxes
Hi folks,
As I'm not fluent in English, I have trouble to understand this sentence from the Nexus Guide :
"The duration of Nexus events is guided by the length of the corresponding events in the Scrum Guide. They are timeboxes in addition to their corresponding Scrum events."
My trivial question is what is the time box of the Nexus events.
For instance, the Nexus Sprint Planning include some work before the parallel Scrum Team Sprint Planning.
How is this over-work time boxed ?
What is the time box of the Nexus Daily Scrum, I guess 15', but I'm not sure ?
What is the time box for the 3 parts of the Nexus Sprint Retrospective, which include the "regular" Sprint retrospective + 2 "new" parts ?
I am eager to read from you
The Nexus Guide says "Events are appended to, placed around, or replace (in the case of the Sprint Review) regular Scrum events to augment them".
The "guidance" provided by the length of corresponding Scrum Events must therefore be seen in multiple contexts. In general, it can be said that the Nexus events must be of an appropriate length to facilitate the Scrum Events.
An oddity is the fact that Refinement is qualified as an Event in the Nexus framework, although it is not positioned as one in Scrum.
Yes, I saw the point with the refinement, without the "guidance" of 5% to 10% as in the Scrum Guide and with more detail on the content with the focus on removing dependencies.
I guess, as Scaled Professional Scrum is definitely very context-dependent, it is up to the Nexus to adjust its own time boxes for Nexus Planning ; Nexus Daily Scrum and Nexus Retro.
Great question!
Would someone please clarify if the Nexus Events have a pre-defined timebox dictated by Nexus -or- not? If so then what would be the timebox for each of the following events. Thank you! Jack
Nexus Sprint Planning
Nexus Sprint Daily Scrum
Nexus Sprint Review
Nexus Sprint Retro
From the 2021 Nexus Guide
Nexus adds to or extends the events defined by Scrum. The duration of Nexus events is guided by the length of the corresponding events in the Scrum Guide. They are timeboxed in addition to their corresponding Scrum events.
This means that Nexus events have timeboxes based upon their related scrum event timeboxes; however, I would imagine that Nexus events would require more time determined by the amount of scrum teams the Nexus has at the time.