Hello All,
I'm new to Scrum and have just started using it.
Before the sprint planning the Development team has come up with some rought estimates (hours). We included that in the Product backlog items to provide better planning.
The product owner who is also a stake holder has been asking number of questions around the estimates for at least in three consecutive stand-up meeting.
Share your thoughts on if it is advisable to change the estimate from hours to complexity or story points etc.
Who is the real driver for hours and why?…
Don't fall into the trap of one story point = one hour, or nothing will change.
Chances are that's one of the first questions you will get asked..."So how many SP is in one hour".
The purpose of estimation is to help a Development Team forecast how much work it can take on during a Sprint.
Has the team experimented with different estimation methods in order to improve forecasting? If not, why not?
Is the Product Owner's line of questioning causing problems? If so, why?
> The product owner who is also a stake holder
> has been asking number of questions around
> the estimates for at least in three consecutive stand-up meeting.
Also, what does the Scrum Guide say about who is allowed to participate in the Daily Scrum? What does it say the Scrum Master's duties are in this regard?
Michael & Ian,
Thanks for your response.
@Michael - The estimation is done by Development team. We are planning to estimate SP based on complexity at a high level for Sprint planning.
@ Ian - As mentioned in my case this is the first sprint and trying to mend ourselves ith what is good and what is not. The product owner is available in Daily scrum or even otherwise in Sprint planning and raising questions. We are not yet in an ideal world to deter Product owner (Business person) from the daily scrum.
The team has not done different estimation methods as this is the first sprint and will definetly look into improvidng the same as part of the sprint retrospective.