Scrum Master at Daily Scrum
again I found something really confusing me:
I learned from Open Assesments that a Scrum Masted needn't to participate at Daily Scrum. In the Scrum Guide i red the following: "...the Dev. Team is responsible for conducting the Daily Scrum. The Scrum Master teaches the Dev. Team to keep the Daily Scrum within the 15-minute time-box". That means to me, he is NOT a facilitator in this meeting & he ONLY keeps the meeting within the time-box.
But I also posess the book "Agile Project management with Scrum" and red there a few seconds ago: "The Scrum Master is responsible for moving the reporting along brisky, from person to person". That would mean that a Scrum Master has in Daily Scrum a facilitator role and ensures that everybody answers the 3 questions. But this is the opposite to the Guide? Also i thought that a Daily Scrum is not a report...
What may a Scrum Master do at Daily Scrum? (if he participates)
Thanks for the answers!
In order to teach the Development Team how to conduct a Daily Scrum, the Scrum Master may first need to facilitate these sessions. Once competency and trust has been achieved, he or she may not need to attend the Daily Scrums at all.
If you're ever in doubt, you should go by what the Scrum Guide says, rather than by what the books say.