Tollgates during the agile lifecycle
Looking for a detailed information about 'when to place the tollgates during the agile lifecycle'? with example.
Looking for a detailed information about 'when to place the tollgates during the agile lifecycle'? with example.
In heaven's name, why?
Why would you want to place additional gates? When applying lean and agile methods, you typically want to remove, or at least reduce the burden of, gates in the life cycle.
At one time, Construx had a white paper called "Introducing Agility into a Phase Gate Process". It was a well-reasoned look at how agility and gates could co-exist, with a couple of different models. However, it doesn't appear to be on their website anymore, so I'm having difficultly finding it. Perhaps you or someone else would have better luck.
If you find anything it is bad advice. One of the main goals of being agile is to remove obstacles of delivering valuable work to the stakeholders. Adding gates inhibits agility.
I refer to the Merriam-Webster definition of agile
Definition of agile
1: marked by ready ability to move with quick easy grace
an agile dancer
2: having a quick resourceful and adaptable character
an agile mind