Apply scrum to a factory
I'm consultant of a factory that produce fiberglass structures for minning, like stairs, grids, floors, railings. They may receive an idea or an engineering draw. Every project is different in time, complexity, tools assistance, manpower. Sometimes need one worker others two, three...ten. Of the 100% of the manhours they hired, only 60% can be allocate to an especific project. The waste of time between projects is unknown or not measured. The productivity varies in every shift.
I usually apply OEE measures to improve the perfomance of factories with good results, but this kind of work seems to me much as many indpendents projects to be managed by scrum.
If there is someone with an experience similar applying scrum, I'll appreciate very much, and much more the factory and specially the workers.
Thanks regards
To what extent are the workers encouraged to self-organize, and come up with the best and most creative solutions to these varied demands?
Very interesant question..
First they receive specifications and have to fit requirements with not much space to move. Also they follow instruccions from a daily planning and a chief of the plant, that don´t work side by side with them . Your question it is a challenge, a space to conquer. It is very unusual in Chile to find those kinds of workers, but actually many plants have serious problems finding people to hire, I supose due the lack of rights incetives. I think they are looking for some places in which somebody encourage them to self-organize and better contributions to their work. Specially in routine works.
Coming myself from the industry (car manufacturing and working as a blue collar on the floor), I'm not sure if Scrum would be the best option here.
I would suggest to take a look at the Lean Manufacturing System instead.