Open Assesment Question Error.
I am having a problem understanding this question...
"Advantages of stating requirements as failing acceptance tests include (choose all that apply):"
I think the wording is all wong - but could someone help me and tell me what it means?
Rephrase: "What advantages does stating requirements as failing acceptance tests include?"
"What are some advantages of stating requirements as failing acceptance tests?"
"Which of the following are advantages of expressing requirements as acceptance tests (choose all that apply)".
The word "failing" in the original question is redundant and potentially confusing. A correctly written acceptance test is bound to fail until the implementation is there (i.e. the TDD approach). By including the word "failing", the question might be misread as implying that the test referred to will *always* fail. To be honest that's how I read it to begin with, and I had to do a double take.
I agree - it makes a lot more sense if the word failling was dropped
as it is currently written it implies that it is a requirement that it FAILS the acceptance test
Thanks for pointing this out. Indeed, it seems that adding "failing" puts the focus wrongly. We will change the wording, and skip "failing". An acceptance test is bound to fail when it is created, but let's hope that the 'failure' gradually gets resolved by good code ;-)