Need some help from professional PO
Hi guys.
I'm trying to get the job offer of my life and need some assistance from the technical PMs/POs.
The task is having the estimates by jira tasks from devs to create the sequence of these tasks eg feature delivery plan for user registration.
I know what if BE, FE, contracts etc but the top part of the tasks is hard to prioritize in this flow.
Could you help me with this? tasks and estimates in hours provided below.
I need a kind of plan with all these Handle base errors and Network layer features on board put in a right sequence.
Task most likely time(h)
Handle base errors 10
Methods for Cache 8
Methods for Database 8
Network layer 10
Setup Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, Release 4
Refactoring 8
Design Slicing 4
User registration
1) API requests
[API] User registration
- implementation 4
- handle response 2
- handle errors 2
[TEST] User registration behavior 4
[API] register User By Social Network
- implementation 8
- handle response 2
- handle errors 2
2) UI, layout and behavior
Registration screen
- [UI] Common screen UI '4
- [UI] Controls 6
- [LOGIC] Data validation 2
- [LOGIC] User interaction (actions & navigation) 3
Complete registration screen
- [UI] Complete registration screen 4
- [LOGIC] Actions 3
will be really grateful for any help.
How has business value for these items been assessed? They look like technical tasks to me, and I'm at a loss to understand why anyone other than a Development Team would own and order such a backlog of work.
it looks like an SLA !