LeSS - One Scrum Master Can Serve 8 teams and PO together with the whole structure?
I’m learning LeSS and when I read articles on less.works I don’t see how Scrum Master should work in the LeSS framework. I have several questions:
1. How many Scrum Master needed for 8 teams and how they should work together. If there is only 1 scrum master, how he/she can cover all the aspect of the teams as whole and as individual team, and each member in the team (8 teams may have up to 64 members)
2. For each team, should we use the proxy PO instead of representatives from the team (Like developer)?
Could anyone please help me? Thank you.
The LeSS site states a Scrum Master may take up to three teams as they mature.
What type of things might a Scrum Master end up saying no to by saying yes to serving multiple teams?
2. For each team, should we use the proxy PO instead of representatives from the team (Like developer)?
How would proxies work together to ensure that Product Ownership is clear, and consistently expressed?
Won’t each team need representatives anyhow, in order to collaborate on matters of integration and the resolution of various dependencies?
@Tony: Thank you for your link, I didn’t read it carefully. A SM can serve multiple teams depends on her capacity and team’s maturity. And each team has SM.
@Ian: You are right about the product ownership and for sure they need to collaborate anyhow.