Role of client in the SCRUM cycle?
i would like to have an expert opinion on role of client/customer in SCRUM cycle. I am asking since I am involved in one environment where customer and development company created a "joint team" that works on all SCRUM/Sprints, from sprint planning meeting, to daily scrum meetings and sprint review meetings.
I have a feeling that this is not a "standard approach", since based on my understanding a customer can be a Product owner, but not a Scrum master, or member of a daily scrum meetings?
I would like to hear experience you had in similar projects and your suggestions?
thank you in advance
I have a feeling that this is not a "standard approach", since based on my understanding a customer can be a Product owner, but not a Scrum master, or member of a daily scrum meetings?
From your reading of the Scrum Guide, is it forbidden for a customer to be a Scrum Master or to occupy a position on the Development Team? If you have such an arrangement, what difficulties do you anticipate arising, or what problems are you currently experiencing?
Hello ,
Yes, This is not a standard approach. Customer cannot be part of Daily Scrum meetings as this will cause distractions for the development team. As a scrum master , it is your duty to make them understand that there presence in Daily standup call might create issues among team members.
Product owner should be in constant touch with customer to understand the business requirements and maintain product backlog accordingly. Other then that customer should not interfere in any other event except Scrum Review/Demo.
Let me know if you have any specific issue. I'll try to help.
I guess the first thing we need to clarify what do you mean by "customer"? Is it a customer of the development company or the end-user of the system for whom the value is created?