Value of the product
Hi all!
Sorry if such topic was created but didn't find it. So my question is: how can we measure the value of the product if my product (in my team) can only decrease the size of costs? Is this right to say that decreasing TCO is the value for my product?
If you are the target customer of this product, how much would you like to pay to buy this product?
The value of a product depends on how much business benefits can be brought to the customer, not how many functions. question is: how can we measure the value of the product if my product (in my team) can only decrease the size of costs?
Has the Product Owner liaised with stakeholders to frame a value proposition which balances their interests?
I'll tell my mind: I am the Product Owner and we create the product that decrease the quantity of staffs. In general we automatize processess. Our product lower costs and due to this our shareholders get more income. Maybe it is very simple definition and there are many aspects, but if you have the same situation I am sure your product return value.
Thanks Orkhan, Ian and Ching-Pei,
I hope I understood.