Scrum Events - Not able to attend?
What is the appropriate mechanism when a scrum team member cannot attend an event. More so if it is the product owner. i.e. if he/she is on vacation or temporarily out for other reasons. I assume a delegate would go in he/she place for the product owner if appropriate, or for other members just have someone brief them on the event.
I do not think it is appropriate to shut the team down waiting for the return.
If I see this on the test how should I answer? The product owner can send a delegate to a given sprint event? True or False
You have part of this correct, never cancel a Sprint event. It is important to uphold Scrum, uphold transparency, and not lose an opportunity for to inspect, get feedback, and adapt.
Your answer would depend on the Scrum event and which Scrum Team member was not able to attend If it was the Daily Scrum, only the Development Team is required. If it was the Scrum Master, the show must go on. The Scrum Master is not required to facilitate Sprint Planning, the Sprint Review or the Sprint Retrospective.
If it is the Product Owner, you have to make do, or as is often said "the art of the possible". The Scrum Team could collaborate with stakeholders at the Sprint Review on the most important Product Backlog items to work on next. Perhaps the stakeholder is the delegate. If the absence was planned, hopefully the Product Owner has enough "Ready" Product Backlog items. There should be no delegate for the Sprint Retrospective since that person was not part if the last Sprint.
A PO may have team members perform some of the ownership function, but he or she will remain accountable.
Product Ownership must resolve to a single clear authority at any given time. If a PO “delegates” the role and its responsibilities temporarily, then that delegate must genuinely and clearly be the owner for that period, and competent to perform the associated duties.