Combined Acceptance Testing
Hi There,
If for the current sprint(A) Combined Acceptance Testing(CAT) cannot be performed, could we move to the next sprint(B) and revisit Sprint A once a CAT window is available?
It sounds as though there is an inability to test the increment satisfactorily and meet the Definition of Done. According to the Scrum Guide, what should happen when the Sprint Goal can no longer be met? Also, why are the Development Team planning to do work which they are unable to test?
an update on my understanding and team planning. ideally we want to test the interface in the early sprints and incrementally evolve it going forward rather than waiting for the later sprints. we will be using definition of done to track our integration testing, there is still complex planning required to achieve this!
What does your Definition of Done (DoD) look like, Mona? Are you able to deliver something functional and of value to the business at the end of each sprint? If not, what are the reasons why?
Please understand that if you're not delivering a potentially-releasable product increment that is both testable and reviewable, then you are simply not doing Scrum.