Scrum Master role in a flat organization
Guys, how many of you have experience working in a flat organization? How do you work? How does organizational issues get solved? What is the role of a Scrum Master outside of the teams? Do you have any special roles?
Thank you!
wow, by the time my question got approved and appeared, its already on page 2...
Wish I could help on this but I've not been in a flat organization.
Are you currently a Scrum Master in this type of structure? Are you having issues? Maybe posing specific questions will help get a response.
How flat is flat, how many levels? How many people in the organization? Organizational issues quite often can be "blockers", :) Scrum masters role is to have those conversations, right?
like 2 levels :) (ceo+everyone else, 140ish ppl)
Im not after specific responses, im rather after people with similar experience.
Specific questions would come in many forms, but to have on specific:
-how you facilitate ownership of horizontal problems
like someone feels that build system should be handled by a separate team, how to start with that?
our vision is that people emerge as problem owners, identify the stakeholders, collect information, and decide themselves / ask for help for a bigger decision. but people dont always feel they are the ones that should do this. so... how do you help in these as a sm/agile coach?
What barriers are there to coaching self-organization for integrated feature delivery each Sprint, so as to avoid production silos like the build team you mention?
I am working in a flat culture, SM role in a flat culture is same as in any other culture. I dont think there is any difference in SM role.
I am working in a flat culture, SM role in a flat culture is same as in any other culture. I dont think there is any difference in SM role.
I'm surprised you say that. I would have expected that supporting the organisation works a lot differently when the organisation is not hierarchical.