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n this session, we examine some common and not- so-common metrics before introducing how we can use them as a guide for continuously measuring business goals, aligning them with software development efforts, and then deciding what to do next.
5 from 1 rating
In this webcast, Ravi Verma, Scrum expert, and founder of SmoothApps discusses self-managing teams, a fundamental element core to agile software delivery and any Scrum Team.
0 from 0 ratings
In this webcast, David Dame shares strategies he has used for successfully implementing and integrating shared specialized resources (performance, UX), distributed teams, and balancing resourcing between new feature development and maintenance/escalation work.
0 from 0 ratings
Dan Sloan introduces the pillar of transparency in Scrum and will navigate you through a journey of successes and challenges he’s encountered in his years of coaching and training Scrum teams around the globe.
4.4 from 319 ratings
Mark Noneman discusses  how the phrase “technical debt” has become a commonly used phrase in software development.
4.6 from 5 ratings