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Blog Post
Many teams are finding that they need to adjust to a new reality amid the covid-19 pandemic. Strategic plans lie in tatters, urgent unplanned work fills the board, stakeholders are hammering teams with requests, and routine has gone out of the window. This is a time for a Scrum Master to be pragmati...
4 from 1 rating
Blog Post
This fourth article now addresses basic remote agile anti-patterns — the pitfalls any distributed team wants to avoid to become successful.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In every Sprint, Sprint Retrospective is an excellent chance to inspect and adapt the way of working.
4.9 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
While working remotely might feel good right now, we are up for trouble. Anxiety-invoked behavior and stress are likely to happen very soon. Let's discuss what is coming at us.
4 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In my daily life as a Scrum Master, I witness many crazy situations. I want to share my discoveries via this comic series featuring Koos Coach, the silly Scrum Master struggling to understand and master Scrum.
Pure Perfection
Making your retrospectives as short as possible is not a good id...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Interesting times have come. Due to danger of coronavirus spread many organizations decided to switch to the remote work model. Besides the influence on Scrum implementation, this might be a new situation for you personally.
2.5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Agile has always been about colocation, about direct communication, physical boards, and all the other haptic and analog moments to create value in the digital realm...
4.8 from 7 ratings
Blog Post
One of the topics that often is unclear when starting with Scrum. You can teach ‘what’ it is. Sometimes it helps to point north to ‘why’ we do refinement. Good facilitation skills definitely help during refinement as well as a toolbox of structures and techniques will help with the ‘how’.
4.8 from 6 ratings
Blog Post
After covering the Scrum Master and the Product Owner, this article addresses Development Team anti-patterns, covering all Scrum Events as well as the Product Backlog artifact. Learn more about what to look out for if you want to support your fellow teammates.
4.8 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
The Scrum Team gathers around their team desk to hold the Daily Scrum.
4.8 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
In this blog post, we explain the Liberating Structure ‘Simple Ethnography’. We clarify its purpose, the steps to facilitate it, our findings, and examples of using it with Scrum.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
The emergence of the Kanban Guide for Scrum teams has given new metrics and practices to Development Teams on how they can augment their Sprint Backlog to manage their work.
4.8 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Learn how individual incentives and outdated organizational structures — fostering personal agendas and local optimization efforts — manifest themselves in Scrum stakeholder anti-patterns which easily can impede any agile transition.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
This blog post talks about using the Fish! philosophy for Sprint Reviews.
4.8 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
This article goes into detail how anti-patterns can evolve and possibly create other issues for the Scrum Team.
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
In my daily life as a Scrum Master, I witness many crazy situations. I want to share my discoveries via this comic series featuring Koos Coach, the silly Scrum Master struggling to understand and master Scrum.
Urgent items
There might be urgent changes popping up during the Sprint. How do we d...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
One the questions I get asked during almost every Scrum Master training course is "How do I get the team to engage in the Sprint Retrospectives?".
4.7 from 7 ratings
Blog Post
Let's look at the bigger picture, leaving out the details. What we all mostly want is better health, better fitness and better movement quality.
4.6 from 5 ratings
Blog Post
Choosing how you will walk through your day, having fun with your colleagues and clients, actively listen and participating in collaborations, and ensuring others also have a great day...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
In this post I‘d like to share an exercise for Scrum Masters to help their Scrum Teams and stakeholders build a deeper understanding of the importance of the Scrum Values and how directly the Scrum Values impact work and value.
5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
For those of you who are big fans of Marvel Cinematic Universe comics or who have watched the latest Avengers: End Game movie might know that Thanos (supervillain) wanted to possess all 6 infinity stones so that he would be unstoppable and could gain control over the entire universe.
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Bringing transparency by inspecting the Product Backlog and adaptation (building) the Sprint Goal, a forecast, and the Sprint Backlog.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In this blog, we’ll dive deeper into the topic: “Scrum Master vs Project Manager”. If you’re having a similar question about the Product Owner vs the Project Manager.
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
The terms "iterative" and "incremental" are used so frequently and naturally in the context of agile that their meaning is no longer challenged.
5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
This article is about how we improved on the Spotify inspired model in one tribe inside a Large Dutch Bank.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
On November 22nd, 2019, I gave the closing keynote at Scrum Deutschland, a talk called ‘The Four Things You Do To Prevent Value Delivery.’ In this keynote, I discussed the trends I found during my research at multiple organizations.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Choosing how you will walk through your day, having fun with your colleagues and clients, actively listen and participating in collaborations, and ensuring others also have a great day. I have written a short story a while ago about the basics of the Fish! Philosophy for being an outstanding team me...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
If you are working as a Product Owner, there is—very likely—room for improvement. This list of some of the most common Product Owner anti-patterns might be a starting point.
4.8 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
This post is an excerpt from the book that we’re writing, the ‘Zombie Scrum Survival Guide’. It’s our way of delivering small increments and involving our stakeholders: you, the reader. So we’d love to hear your feedback, encouragements and wild ideas.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
A while ago, I received an interesting scientific article from Gunther Verheyen titled “Getting Things Done: The Science Behind Stress-Free Productivity” (Heylighen & Vidal, 2007). The article discusses possible scientific explanations for the success of a personal productivity approach called “Gett...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
One of the teams I worked with suggested dropping the Sprint Retrospective and the Sprint Review from the Sprint and only do them every other Sprint.
4.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
How to use the Liberating Structure 'Mad Tea' with Scrum.
3.5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Sprint Planning is a core event, defining how your customers’ lives will improve with the next Product Increment. Learn more on how to improve its effectiveness by avoiding 20 common Sprint Planning anti-patterns.
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Scrum, in its more general definition, is a simple framework to help us address complex challenges. Product development is the subset of complex problem domains where Scrum took root first...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
I call myself a Scrum Caretaker. I aspire inspiring people using Scrum. I prefer sharing positive experiences and cases that demonstrate how amazing working with Scrum can be, what problems can be tackled and how, the level of excellence we can build into our products, how Scrum can engage people.
4.8 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
In this 3rd article, I build on the previous two articles and give an example of how to use the two Pattern Languages to develop your pattern sequence.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
In a series of blog posts, I want to share how you can use Systems Thinking to resolve complex problems.
5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
When Scrum Teams discuss too many problems during the Retrospective they may lose focus.
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Welcome to the Agile Movers & Shakers interview series. Today’s guest is Ben Linders.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
How to start an Agile transformation? What are the initial steps? In this article I explain how transformations could be planned using Scrum Patterns and systems thinking.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
It’s that time again. The end of the year, where many of us take a step back to reflect on the year that will almost be over soon and create another new year resolution. Like many of you, I do the same. On my last year life retrospectives, I wrote about servant leadership.
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
While Diana Larsen continues her coaching, mentoring, and consulting practice in a limited way, she has shifted more toward involvement as a co-founder of the Agile Fluency Project, a startup...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Last week, about 30 members of the Hands-on Agile community in Berlin came together to identify opportunities for personal and professional growth for the coming year, using Liberating Structures’ Ecocycle Planning in the process, to further your Scrum Master career 2020.
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Can anyone be a Product Owner (PO)? What’s the best position in the company to fill that role? With Scrum you have one and only one Product Owner for a given product...
5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Scrum Master anti-patterns: The reasons why Scrum Masters violate the spirit of the Scrum Guide are multi-faceted. They run from ill-suited personal traits and the pursuit of individual agendas to frustration with the team itself.
4.3 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
What event could better embody Scrum’s principle of empiricism than the Sprint Retrospective? I assume all peers agree that even the simplest retrospective—if only held regularly—is far more useful than having a fancy one once in a while, not to mention having none at all.
4.5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
How to use "Visible Status" with the information radiator to help the call to action?
How to use explicit indicators to make decisions?
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Scrum requires a self-organized team to deliver "done" increments at the end of each Sprint. This peculiarity sometimes raises criticisms and questions when it is discussed in trainings or when coaching the clients: how can a team work without a leader? How are we going to do our job, if no one tell...
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
As Scrum Trainer I get to meet a lot of teams and hear of many different ways to do Scrum. Most are valid ways, yet some seem more aligned with the values of Scrum or the purpose of the specific Scrum Element.
4 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
The role of Scrum Master is often completely new for many organizations, and often misunderstood. So what are the responsibilities of the Scrum Master? And what is a Scrum Master supposed to do the whole day?
2.8 from 2 ratings