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Who creates the Definition of Done?

The answer to this question depends on whether the organization has already created a DoD for their products. If that’s the case, the Developers on your Scrum Team are required to conform to that DoD at a minimum. Your team is always welcome to add more stringent standards, but you may not make them more lax.

If no organizational DoD exists, the Scrum Team is obligated to create one for their product so that the Scrum Team and stakeholders are all clear on what it means for the Increment to be done. This should be one of the first things a Scrum Team does together.

If multiple Scrum Teams are working together on the same product, they must integrate their Increments together and the result must comply with the same Definition of Done.

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Learning Series
The Definition of Done describes the quality standards for the Increment. Learn why getting to Done is so important, what undone work is, if it’s okay to show work that isn’t done to stakeholders, can you present undone work at the Sprint Review and what’s the difference between the DoD and Definition of Ready or acceptance criteria.