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What is a Product Vision

The Product Vision describes the purpose of a Product. A good Product Vision expresses the value the Product should deliver and to whom that value is delivered. It is effective when people connect with the vision emotionally and practically. When a Product Vision is both aspirational and actionable, it inspires creativity within the Scrum Team allowing them to collaboratively work with Stakeholders on how they might work toward the vision.  

The Product Vision is owned by the Product Owner, but its development requires input from stakeholders and the Scrum Team(s). A good Product Vision is built incrementally allowing many opportunities for inspection and adaptation. 

The Product Vision should be a free-standing, transparent instrument that enables stakeholders and the Scrum Team to understand the intention of a Product. However, even though it should stand on its own, a Product Vision exists in the context of two other critical elements: Business Strategy and Product Strategy. 

Goal Onion




A product is a vehicle for delivering value, meaning valuable outcomes, to customers.Outcomes are experiences that help the customer to achieve, or at least make progress toward, a goal that they value.The word "product" encompasses a broad range of solutions that organizations can use to deliver va...
4.7 from 27 ratings


To help a team foster visionary thinking, promote proactive problem solving and align on desired outcomes for a product, teams can use a technique known as the Future Press Release. (Also known as Newspaper Headline or Cover Story.) This technique encourages participants to envision a future where t...
4.8 from 11 ratings


There are several templates that help create a product vision. One of the most widely-used is the Elevator Pitch. The output of the Elevator Pitch is a simple sentence structure that encourages you to abstract your ideas for a product vision to its essence. It embraces the classic elevator test exer...
4.6 from 4 ratings




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The Product Vision describes the purpose of a Product. A good Product Vision expresses the value the Product should deliver and to whom that value is delivered.