The Definition of Done
The Definition of Done (DOD) is the artifact commitment for the Increment. As is the case for the other artifact commitments in Scrum, it is meant to provide focus for the Scrum Team and a target against which progress can be measured.
The Definition of Done describes the quality standards for the Increment to be considered “Done” and in a usable state for it to be effectively inspected during the Sprint Review. Knowing that the Increment conforms to the DOD helps stakeholders understand the completeness of the work they are reviewing.
Learn more about the DoD:
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Learning Series
The Increment is the latest version of the product that conforms to the Definition of Done. During each Sprint, the Developers work toward the current Product Goal by implementing Product Backlog items (PBIs) and integrating their individual work together. Learn about the Increment and its commitment, the Definition of Done. Investigate some common myths about the Increment.