Decision Rules: Unanimous Agreement
A unanimous agreement decision rule means that everyone involved in a decision-making process has reached the same conclusion or decision. In other words, it is a situation where every single person involved in a decision or vote is in agreement with the outcome. There are no disagreements or objections from anyone, and everyone is in full support of the decision.
When to Use the Unanimous Agreement Decision Rule?
The unanimous decision rule works well for decisions where a team needs a shared understanding and a strong buy-in from everyone in the team, for example when forming the Definition of Done.
Example Techniques
Fist of Five, Gradients of Agreement Scale (Avoid direct Yes/No techniques. They can be unclear and apply pressure leading to weaker buy-in.)
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Scrum Teams need to make decisions all the time. Helping teams reach a decision effectively, and gaining necessary buy-in from all team members can be challenging, especially when team members are unclear on who has the final say in making it. Understanding the decision rule, how a decision is made and whose input is required, is necessary because ambiguity in the decision process causes confusion and frustration.