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5 Ways Empiricism Can Make You a Better Scrum Master

March 14, 2023
Successful Scrum Masters continuously find ways to improve their practice to have greater influence and impact on their teams and organizations. Scrum’s foundational concept, empiricism, which advances learning through experience and observation, can support this kind of growth. In this blog post, we’ll explore five ways that a Scrum Master can use empiricism to improve their own practice and become a more effective leader. 
Blog Post

Why Your Team’s Scrum Genius Might be Holding You Back

March 13, 2023
A dogmatic approach to Scrum tends to close down discussion and inhibit collaboration. If it’s in the Scrum framework described in the Scrum Guide, it’s there for a reason. But if it is not outlined in the framework, Scrum teams can innovate how to apply Scrum in their unique environment.

Por una organización sin silos ni divisiones

March 12, 2023
La regla de una organización sin silos es un concepto importante que debe considerarse y adoptarse en cualquier estructura organizativa. Al eliminar estos silos, permitimos que las personas trabajen juntos de manera más efectiva y eficiente al mismo tiempo que fomenta una cultura de transparencia dentro de la empresa.

La facilitación en Scrum

March 10, 2023
La facilitación permite crear un espacio colaborativo para ayudar a las personas a moverse hacia los objetivos de una manera que se hagan incluyendo la participación conciente, voluntaria y motivada, el compromiso del resultado como equipo y la creatividad de todos.
Blog Post

Unlocking the Power of Systems Thinking: How to Design High-Performing Systems That Delight Customers

March 8, 2023
Systems Thinking is one of the key concepts required for successful agile organization design. It provides a valuable approach to organization design that can help organizations better understand the interrelationships between different elements within the system. By recognizing feedback loops and boundaries, organizations can design systems that are more efficient, effective, and resilient.
Blog Post

Scrum is Not an Excuse to Ignore Emergencies

March 7, 2023
How do the Product Owner and the Scrum Team navigate unexpected customer requests? What happens when a high priority customer issue is discovered mid-Sprint? Should the Scrum Team ignore the emergency or interrupt the Sprint? Like so many things in Scrum, the answer is that it depends.

El Scrum Master brinda servicios de coaching

March 6, 2023
El Scrum Master brinda servicios de coaching, en ese sentido brinda orientación para ayudar a otros a alcanzar sus metas profesionales o personales. El coaching es una competencia para lograr usar un Scrum Profesional, al hablar del coaching (no del rol de un Agile Coach) conversamos acerca de cómo las habilidades de coaching pueden usarse para aumentar la efectividad y los resultados de un Equipo Scrum.
Blog Post

9 Ways an Agile Manager Helps Grow a Team

March 6, 2023
In this video, PST'S Gregory Crown, Jason Malmstadt and Robert Pieper are going to show you how an Agile Manager Helps Grow a Team. We'll get specific with a few ways you can help your team become better at self-management, improve team dynamics, and grow their product development skills.

No te pierdas en el camino: Cómo el Product Goal y Sprint Goal te guían hacia la meta

March 5, 2023
El Product Goal es un objetivo a largo plazo que establece la dirección general para el equipo Scrum y se enfoca en el valor que se entregará al cliente. Por otro lado, el Sprint Goal es un objetivo específico que se establece para cada Sprint en particular. Tener ambos objetivos en un equipo Scrum es importante ya que proporcionan un enfoque claro, ayudan a tomar decisiones informadas, facilitan la colaboración y proporcionan transparencia. Además, un buen objetivo de producto debe responder a preguntas específicas sobre la visión, las necesidades del usuario y las métricas para medir el impacto.

¿Qué puede aprender un área comercial o de negocios de las prácticas de excelencia técnica en el desarrollo de software?

March 2, 2023
la excelencia técnica en el desarrollo de software es un conjunto de prácticas y técnicas que permiten crear software de alta calidad, de manera rápida y eficiente, que cumpla con los requisitos del cliente y tenga una larga vida útil. Estas prácticas y técnicas, como las pruebas automatizadas, la integración continua y el diseño ágil, no solo son aplicables al desarrollo de software, sino que también pueden ser utilizadas como metáforas en áreas de negocio y comercial para mejorar la eficiencia y la calidad de las operaciones empresariales.
Blog Post

Theory of Constraints - What to Improve and What Not to Change

March 1, 2023
This blog post discusses the Theory of Constraints and how it can be a valuable tool for improving business, organization, and personal performance. The author emphasizes the importance of identifying and focusing on the constraints that are limiting success in order to achieve more with less effort. He explains how local optimizations may not lead to the desired results and how working on the constraints is crucial for achieving the goals of the system. The author also shares his personal experience of discovering the Theory of Constraints as his most valuable perception mode. The post concludes by encouraging readers to take a step back and ask themselves what constraints are holding them back and what they can do to overcome them.
Blog Post

Product Titanics - How Modern Organizations Waste Adaptability

March 1, 2023
In the quest for short-term gains and rapid productivity, organizations are sacrificing their long-term agility and adaptability, just like the Titanic did. But fear not! We can learn from history and prevent ourselves from meeting the same fate. So, let's explore how companies can avoid becoming the next Titanic and instead chart a course for long-term success.
Blog Post

An Introduction to Organizational Topologies™

February 28, 2023
Org Topologies™ is a map with recognizable organizational archetypes that you can use to discover, improve and communicate your agile transformation journey. The map will allow you to talk to Managers, Scrum Masters, Executives, Agile Coaches, and Product Owners using a common language to reflect on your challenges. Org Topologies will enable you to own and master your path toward higher states of adaptability, starting from wherever you are now. And thus, make your organization customer-focused, adaptive, and resilient in the face of change.
Blog Post

Are you Familiar with Agile Organization Design?

February 28, 2023
A proper Agile organizational design is critical to achieving your business strategy, and you need to redesign your organization when your capabilities and strategy are incompatible. Redesigning your organization involves rethinking its structure, processes, and people to ensure that they align with your strategy and capabilities.