Good Scrum Masters are passionate.
Great Scrum Masters are dispassionate.
I have learned that there is a good correlation between the Four Stages of Learning and the stages of Scrum Mastery. In this Whitepaper, I have tried to demonstrate how some of the behaviours of the Scrum Master block their shift to servant-leadership. In doing so, I have described the need for recognizing what stage we are in. It is my conviction that Scrum Masters will benefit by gaining insight to inspect and adapt their style.
A Scrum Master can use these stages to check whether she/he is playing the role in a way that the chances of success will be the highest.
The White Paper
You can download the whitepaper here. I hope you enjoy reading it!
About tryScrum
tryScrum is a professional coaching and consulting company. The company aims to challenge prescience thinking, which will help in the process of transformation. The company has provided its course to over 7000 individuals and still strives to deliver their services, by offering their elite course of leadership training and many other available fields.

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