In my daily life as a Scrum Master, I witness many crazy situations. I want to share my experiences via this comic series featuring Koos Coach, the silly Scrum Master struggling to understand and master Scrum.
We need Scrum
Adopting Scrum involves a deep change in the mindset of people and cannot be taken lightheartedly.

If this story resonates with you, please share:
- What experience do you have with Scrum being adopted for all the wrong reasons?
- Which other poor Scrum adoption approaches (besides announcing) did you observe?
- What hilarious Scrum situation were you in I could turn into a comic?

Actively doing nothing
Many people who are new to Scrum do not have a clear understanding of the Scrum Master role. Scrum Masters say they "actively do nothing", meaning that they are observing the team to be able to coach them effectively. This is a good practice, but it might not be the best answer to explain what the Scrum Master role entails.

If this story resonates with you, please share:
- What would be a better way to explain the Scrum Master role to a novice?
- What happens if a Scrum Master is very active?