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Back to the Foundations of the Scrum Framework - Wrapping it All Up (78)

June 27, 2024

77 posts ago... we took a start with introducing the underlying - core - concepts of the Scrum framework. Jep, that is 77 weeks, or 20 months,  over one and a half year ago already!

We discovered that a professional use of the Scrum framework is really not about “doing” Scrum, about doing the events or about having the artefacts. Everything we do while aiming for professionally using Scrum has something to do with at least one of the following, probably a few, or hopefully all of these underlying concepts:

Empiricism: knowledge comes from experience, and we make decisions based on what is known. Empiricism has three pillars, and Scrum is built on these: transparency, inspection and adaptation.

Scrum Values: when the Scrum Team lives the values of commitment, courage, focus, openness and respect, then empiricism starts to work and trust is being built. And trust is needed to grow transparency.

- the Scrum Team becomes more and more self-managing and cross-functional. They build up all skills needed to create value each and every Sprint, and they can decide what work needs to be done, who does it and how to do it in the most effective way.

- during each Sprint, a Done Increment of working product is created at least once, so that it can be released if it provides enough value to the market, the users, the stakeholders.


So let me repeat this: everything we do while aiming for a professional, impactful use of Scrum has something to do with at least one of the above, probably a few, or hopefully all of these underlying concepts.

And this is exactly what we covered in this series: short insights and reminders on how each of the visible elements of Scrum ties back to these core underlying concepts.

Note though that Scrum is not the goal. The goal is to reach the business objective, to help users and customers. And Scrum is here to help us with that.


For your reference, you find below an overview of all blog posts in this series.

For now, this concludes this series. Watch out for more.


I hope you found value in these short posts and if you are looking for more clarifications, feel free to take contact.


Don't want to miss any of these blog posts? Have the professional Scrum foundations series weekly in your mailbox.

The Core Concepts of the Scrum Framework


Back to the Foundations of the Scrum framework series

Introduction to the underlying concepts

Empiricism - Transparency and the ...

Empiricism - Inspection and the ...

Empiricism - Adaptation and the ...

The Scrum Values and the ...

A self-managing Team and the ...

A cross-functional Team and the ...

Done and the ...

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