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Blog Post
It's very common to use waterfall to develop hardware since hardware can be very difficult to change once built. But have you ever wondered if Scrum can be used in hardware development? In this video, Professional Scrum Trainers Robb Pieper and Jason Malmstadt look at ways you can change how you mak...
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Blog Post
Discover how asynchronous meetings are transforming collaboration in today's fast-paced business world. Explore the challenges faced by Scrum Teams, particularly with stakeholders missing Sprint Review events. Learn about two experiments we have been running for effective Sprint Reviews: Recorded Sp...
5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
The Agile Leader's commitment goes beyond mere lip service to the Agile Manifesto. It's about creating a conducive environment for teams to innovate, collaborate, learn, and grow. It's about leading by example and embodying the principles and values that Agile upholds. But what exactly are these com...
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Blog Post
From Spotify to The Liberators to Self-Made: Eight Self-Assessments to Get You Started.
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Blog Post
Vom Diskutieren zum Handeln: 4 Entscheidungsregeln, die du unbedingt kennen solltest. Diese sind besonders wichtig, wenn du für die Produktivität eines Teams verantwortlich bist.
4 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Agile cannot be implemented effectively if the culture of the organization doesn’t evolve with the process. In this episode we invite a special guest, Jim Ruprecht (an agilityIRL founder), to share why and how organizational culture is so important.
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Blog Post
How lead- and cycle time are incredibly helpful metrics to drive change where it matters
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Blog Post
How does your Sprint in its totality support adaptation in order to minimise deviations from agreed goals? Each of the Scrum Events serves to adapt. So does the Sprint itself. Check it out!
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Über die negativen Auswirkungen eines kompletten Produkt-Backlogs auf Innovation, die Fähigkeit Ihres Scrum-Teams, Werte zu schaffen, und Ihre Beziehung zu den Stakeholdern.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
🔍 *Agility in Red Markets: A Paradigm Shift* 🔍 Alpha organisations, once formidable, now face challenges in red markets due to their hierarchical structures. Slow decisions, stifled innovation, untapped talent, and customer disconnect are evident. In contrast, Beta organisations thrive with agility ...
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Sprint Retrospektive: 3 Schwierigkeiten, bei denen selbst erfahrene Scrum Master aufgeben, und Tipps, damit du nicht dazugehörst
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This episode of the Women in Agile podcast covers the complex and diverse nature of Agile in the Finance industry. (46:46 Minutes)
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Learning Series
The Increment is the latest version of the product that conforms to the Definition of Done. During each Sprint, the Developers work toward the current Product Goal by implementing Product Backlog items (PBIs) and integrating their individual work together. Learn about the Increment and its commitment, the Definition of Done. Investigate some common myths about the Increment.
Learning Series
The Product Backlog represents all of the work the Scrum Team knows it needs to do in order to deliver the product. Teams can use the Product Backlog to make decisions about what they should do next. Learn about the Product Backlog, Product Goal, Product Backlog items and Product Backlog refinement.
In this live session of Ask a Professional Scrum Trainer, David Sabine who is based in Canada will be available to answer your burning questions about Scrum and the challenges you or your teams have.
4.8 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Scrum e la reazione autoimmune aziendale è una riflessione sulla mia esperienza dell’applicazione di Scrum professionale in azienda. Rivela i meccanismi socio-aziendali, ai quali ho assistito, che impediscono di trarre massimo beneficio dallo sviluppo empirico di un prodotto.
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Blog Post
Another question we frequently get is whether Scrum Masters are truly needed. We can do the work without the Scrum Master, right? In this week's video, Evelien Acun-Roos and I address this question. To give you a quick answer; no, we don't think there's ever a point where you can do without the Scru...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Découvrons Scrum, les DAO, et les nouvelles formes de coordinations humaines dans ce podcast
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
The purpose of the Scrum Master is to improve the effectiveness of the Scrum Team. And yet, so many people don’t know what to look for in a Scrum Master or how to evaluate the Scrum Master’s performance. A great Scrum Master possesses a unique blend of technical expertise, leadership skills, and int...
3.8 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
What does "ready" actually mean and maybe more importantly what does it not mean?
5 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Earlier this year I was in an Ask a PST session with hosted by Lindsay Velecina. It was awesome, with hundreds of people attending the event. With so many people joining, it was impossible to answer every single question on the spot. So I invited Evelien Acun-Roos to answer these questi...
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Blog Post
Despite the headline, Agile transformations and evolutions can also succeed! Key ingredients include getting the right level of leadership involvement and an organizational commitment to learning.
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Blog Post
Blog Post
Learn about an oversized Product Backlog’s negative impact on innovation, your Scrum team’s ability to create value, and your relationship with stakeholders.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
In this article, Professional Scrum Trainer™ Gregory Fontaine discusses how organizations can benefit from implementing Scrum and other agile development approaches, typical challenges they face, and some tips to avoid or overcome them.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Eine agile Transformation geht über die Übernahme von Frameworks wie SAFe® hinaus; dies sind m. E. die sieben gängigsten Probleme bei der Skalierung agiler Praktiken.
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Blog Post
How does your Sprint Retrospective support adaptation in order to minimise deviations from agreed goals? Each of the Scrum Events serves to adapt. So does the Sprint Retrospective. Check it out!
4.8 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Uncover the secrets of outcome-driven roadmaps and learn how aligning product vision with a clear strategy can drive meaningful results for your business.
3.5 from 1 rating
Scrum Master job descriptions typically include the following: “Help remove impediments for the team” or “Accountable for removing impediments”. Organizations clearly find impediment removal to be an important aspect of the role. But what is meant by impediments? Should a Scrum Master remove all the...
5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
🚀 Urgent Call for Agile Transformation 🚀 Alpha organizations, relics of the Industrial Age, are hierarchical & slow, ill-suited for today's dynamic 'Red' markets. Enter Beta organisations: agile, decentralised & adaptable, bred for innovation. But sadly, agility is losing the battle. Quick fixes won...
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Blog Post
In our latest episode, I refer to a former client who did an amazing job at making production outage retrospectives a safe space to learn. Hopefully sharing your story helps others to do the same.
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Blog Post
Eine der größten Fehleinschätzungen lautet: Scrum Master sind Facilitatoren. Warum diese eine Fehleinschätzung ist, kannst in diesem Artikel lesen:
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Blog Post
According to the 2020 Scrum guide, “Scrum Teams are cross-functional, meaning the members have all the skills necessary to create value each Sprint.” But what does that mean, exactly?
4.8 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
この記事では、Professional Scrum Trainer™ Gregory Fontaineが、組織がスクラムやその他のアジャイル開発アプローチを導入することでどのようなメリットが得られるのか、直面する典型的な課題、そしてそれらを乗り越えたりするためにいくつかのヒントについて説明します。
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Are you looking for a Scrum Master job? If so, you're in luck! In this vlog, Professional Scrum Trainers, Andreanna Marshall and Scott Adams talk about what you need to know to land the Scrum Master position you're  dreaming of. In this video, we'll cover everything you need to know to be a succe...
4.8 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
Una responsabilidad de los líderes ágiles es lograr ayudar a crear un ambiente cultural propicio para el trabajo con equipos motivados e impulsados con propósitos trascendentales que los impulsen a lograr grandes resultados.  La motivación depende en gran medida de la capacidad de ayudar en lo posib...
4.5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
Esse post aborda uma disfunção comum em Times Scrum, onde a Daily Scrum se torna um relatório de status, prejudicando a colaboração. São oferecidas sugestões para promover foco na Meta da Sprint, no fluxo, na entrega de valor e na melhoria contínua, além de destacar a importância dos Valores do Scru...
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Merely Implementing one of Several Frameworks for Scaling Agile Won’t Fix Agility Issues
0 from 0 ratings
Blog Post
Die Wahrheit über Brainstorming als Technik im Refinement.
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
The three Scrum artifacts represent work or value. They help us maximize transparency, making it easier to inspect and adapt our way toward better outcomes. Let’s look at the commitment for each artifact to uncover their critical role in enabling the business benefits of agility.
4 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Stuck in a boring, neverending, meaningless Scrum rhythm? Give Scrum a break, and rethink what approach suits your team the best!
2.5 from 2 ratings
Blog Post
How does your Sprint Review support adaptation in order to minimise deviations from agreed goals? Each of the Scrum Events serves to adapt. So does the Sprint Review. Check out our tips!
4.8 from 2 ratings
In this episode of the Agile Actually podcast, PSTs Martin Hinshelwood and Simon Reindl explore the importance of transparency, especially relating to the words we use (48:48 minutes)
5 from 1 rating
Blog Post
Der Weg zum Scheitern, eine nutzlose Metrik nach der anderen, individuellen Velocity über die Genauigkeit der Schätzungen bis hin zu den Auslastungsraten.
4.5 from 1 rating
In this episode of the Community podcast, we get to know Professional Scrum Trainer Andreanna Marshall! (25:38)
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Blog Post
🔥 Embrace Uniqueness: Carve Your Own Path to Scaling Success 🔥 Business Leaders, are you ready to unlock the true potential of your organization's scaling journey? 🚀 In my latest post, I delve into the importance of creating your own scaling practices and why it leads to long-term business success. ...
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Blog Post
Have a good team working agreement is great, but don't let it get in the way of effective collaboration.
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Blog Post
There are certain misconceptions and patterns that can hinder the effectiveness of the Product Owner and lead to conflicts within the Scrum team. In this article, we will explore three common anti-patterns related to the Product Owner's accountability in Scrum and discuss strategies to overcome them...
4.7 from 3 ratings
Blog Post
How does a Scrum Master add value to a team and organization? It can be a little tricky. Do you focus on the team only? What if the Product Owner needs some extra attention? And what about the company itself, who helps its overall agility? Professional Scrum Trainers Jason Malmstadt, Robert Piep...
5 from 4 ratings
Blog Post
Project Manager e Scrum Master sono due mestieri diversi. Se sei un project manager, senti parlare sempre di più di Scrum e vorresti capire cosa c'è di così diverso fra questi due ruoli? Perché dovresti scegliere fra l'uno o l'altro e non si può fare un pò dei due? In questo articolo provo a cond...
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