Become PST
i have passed PSM I. Please let me know marks % for PSM I, II, and III to become PST.
how many retakes can be taken for each exam to get the desired %.
Kavitha S
Hello Kavitha,
Thank you for your post and congratulations on achieving PSM I certification! It's great that you're interested in becoming a Professional Scrum Trainer (PST). There's a fairly rigorous certification process that begins with submitting an application. More information on our PST requirements and a link to the application can be found on the PST Selection Process page.
In addition to applications and information regarding the PST requirements, you may also find a "Contact us" button through the application links, where you may directly contact the Program Director of the PST Community with any further questions that you might have regarding the process.
Thank you and enjoy your weekend, Kavitha!