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Scrum: The Power of Doing Less

October 24, 2024

From the Scrum Guide: “Scrum is a lightweight framework…”


Let’s have a closer look at what this means?

From Cambridge Dictionary: 



  • “Weighing only a little or less than average” … euh…


Scrum is lightweight... Of course, we’re not worried about Scrum tipping the scales physically. But, in terms of for example process and role complexity, Scrum weighs much less compared to most “agile” methodologies.


Lighter than other frameworks in that it brings us only the required parts. Only those parts that are really needed to support the teams applying its underlying theory. 


Less rules, less artifacts, less events, less process, less roles. Less. Just less; of everything.

Note though that less isn’t about cutting corners, it’s about cutting out the noise. Fewer rules don’t mean chaos, they give more space for teams to innovate and self-manage. 


If you feel it is about “more”,  then something in your use of the Scrum framework is not working as intended; inspect this. Then adapt.


So, how are you using Scrum as it is intended, as a lightweight framework? If your Scrum feels heavy, bloated, or rigid, ask yourself: Have you bolted on extra processes, tools, or roles that aren’t in the Scrum Guide? Are you still using Scrum as a lightweight framework, or has it become something else?


I hope you find value in these short articles and if you are looking for more clarifications, feel free to take contact.

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Wishing you an inspiring read and a wonderful journey.

Scrum on!



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