PSM 1 Certification exam format
In PSM 1 exam -
Does the question specifies how many answer we should select for a particular multiple choice question?
Like 'Select THREE most appropriate answers for activities of Product Backlog Management'; and there are five options given?
Have any of you seen multiple choice questions without specifying how many answers we should select?
Hi Vivek,
I passed my exam this monday, and I'm sure there weren't multiple choice questions without it, how many answers you need to pick. The number of the correct answers always was included in the question.
Thanks for the quick reply Peter.
Congrats on passing the exam. Do you recommend any last-minute tips or preparation prior to take the exam?
Last-minute tips? ... good understanding of the Scrum Guide, solving of the well known four sample exams (Mikhail Lapshin and Management Plaza) and you're ready to go. All I did, I printed the tricky questions from the samples and had them in front of me during the exam.
Thanks for the helpful advice, Peter. Did the tricky questions from the sample exams appear on the actual PSM I?
Hi Betty,
yes a few of them (or very similar) did appear on the exam, although without answering them correctly you still have a good chance to pass the PSM I.
Thanks, I will do my first try tomorrow.. Is there a lot of questions related to Scaled Scrum (Nexus) ?
Hi Benoit,
no I had maybe 2 or 3 questions related to Scaled Scrum. If you know, what Scrum of Scrums is, how the multiple teams handling the Product- and Sprint Backlogs, then you know enough about scaling the Scrum. Questions directly related to Nexus weren't at all... at least in my case. Well it won't hurt you, if you have some knowledge about Nexus, so just read the Nexus Guide once, but you can pass the PSM I without it too.
I experienced more questions about scaled scrum. Mostly about issues in or between dev teams and how to handle them (and the scrum master role in this). I haven't seen those topics in the guide so I'm quite sure I missed those. Still looking for more information about this before I schedule the exam again. Just need a small extra step after a fail with 85,3%
Oops, 83,5 of course in stead of 85,3 (withfull thinking)
some questions or choices may have two parts - one correct and the other incorrect. Example: Scrum Master facilitates (correct) by taking decision on team's behalf(incorrect).
I am planning to attempt PSM 1. Can any one tell me what kind of questions are included in PSM 1 exam and is PSM 1 really hard to crack? I have been preparing it for so many days and have been attempting a lot of mock tests from many platforms over the internet. Need guidance.
I am planning to attempt PSM 1. Can any one tell me what kind of questions are included in PSM 1 exam and is PSM 1 really hard to crack? I have been preparing it for so many days and have been attempting a lot of mock tests from many platforms over the internet. Need guidance.
This is a 60-minute test with 80 questions in English. You need to get more than 85% correct answers to pass the exam and get certified. Questions relate to understanding and application of the Scrum framework, the role of the Scrum Master, and his interaction with the team and customers. The exam is quite challenging and requires good knowledge of the Scrum Guide and hands-on Scrum experience. To prepare for the exam, it is recommended to take the Applying Professional Scrum or Professional Scrum Master course, as well as try the free tests on
I am getting ready for my PSM 1 certification. I am not taking the courses but learning myself.
Anyone who has recently passed the tests, can you please tell what is the percentage of questions from open assessment, are there questions from Kanban or Nexus guide?
Hi there!
In the PSM I exam, there are roughly about 5–10% of the questions, which are very similar (if not identical) to those you’ll see in the Scrum Open assessment. It’s a good idea to practice those as they give you a feel for the question style and wording, and you get an overall idea of the format.
Also, don’t worry about Nexus or Kanban – they aren’t part of the PSM I exam. The focus is entirely on core Scrum principles as laid out in the Scrum Guide. So, concentrate on understanding the Scrum Guide mainly and if needed take the help of any sub-providers, or trainers. I took the help of ValueX2, you can consider them.