PSM Practices and Techniques
Hello everyone,
the Scrum guide mentions several practices/techniques that the Scrum master could suggest/propose to the Product Owner and to the Development Team, in his/her role of coach of the Scrum Team.
Would anyone suggest a reference for these practices in preparation for the PSM I? The topic areas are very broad and I do not see (perhaps my fault) anything that specifically addresses this point? Perhaps is it not covered in the PSM I test but only in the PSM II?
I don't know if there are any specific practices/techniques. But you can help the PO organize the product backlog to maximize value. There are games that you can use (like the product owner game / business value game), also fun to play with the Development Team (they gain insight in the value of a PO). Just look on-line to fine these. Knowing agile engineering practices can help also in slicing the backlog items to support the Product Owner and also the Development Team learns how they can develop high quality software.
In short, look for relevant games and engineering practices to build your own knowledge that'll help you help de PO and developers.