Scrum Master Certification (PSM I) advice
Hi guys,
So yesterday I sat for my first attempt of the Scrum Master Certification (PSM I). I have been following the forum for a couple of days, read the guide pdf multiple times until I understood what it was saying, did the open assessment and went really well from the first time and did them again until I got 100% repetitively...but I still got 80% in the exam.
And I think I know the reason why...because the exam (apart from the small pool of questions which are the same as the open assessment), it is based on practical knowledge you get while working with SCRUM on a day to day basis. I do not have that type of experience...
So, just a heads up to anyone who is considering sitting for the exam...if you do not have any experience in SCRUM development on your day job, do not sit for the exam because the theoretical part is not enough to pass the exam.
Damian, PSMI assessment is not based on practical knowledge. It's just about the Correct thinking and understanding of Scrum Guide, Scrum Values, values and principles of Agile Manifesto. I think Professional Scrum Master (PSM) would help you a lot. I also recommend you to read as many of Ken's blog posts as you can. That would definitely help a lot.
Sorry but I do not agree with you.
I think you need to have some practical knowledge of agile and scrum experience to get information which is not present in either the scrum guide, open assessment or e-books I read
Hi Damian,
Illya is correct, you don't need practical knowledge to pass the exam.
80% is almost there, lets not discount that as any bad thing, shows that's true and a bloody good effort.
The open is a guide, but to crack the exam you must know that guide inside out and be able to expand it.
Experience helps, but you don't need it to pass though.
The exam isn't easy that much i can say, but with the right mindset is possible.
Stick with it, do some more study and really get to know the guide inside out.
80% shows your nearly on the money with it, and also shows the value of the exam and whats expected.
Thanks Michael,
I'm spending another couple of days studying and maybe give it another shot during the weekend. All I need is another 4 correct questions and I'll pass :)
Damian, PSMII is definitely an exam where you need a lot of practice being a Scrum Master. Knowing theory. principles of Agile/Scrum and common sense is quite enough for passing PSMI. But you REALLY need to know Scrum Guide WELL.
Hi Damian,
Besides of the Scrum Guide, I'd recommend you to go through this .pdf as well, it helps you figuring out the little details that would give you for sure those 4 extra good answers :)
Thanks all!
Took the exam again this morning and got a 93.8%
Good job, my congratulations!
Hi Damian, Did the scrum master training manual helped you with doing the second exam?
I just did my PSM I exam and had the same results and feeling you had when you did your exam the first time.
And congratulations on passing your exam btw.... :)
Hi Tkwoen,
Basically I spent another couple of days reading through the Scrum guide until I made sure I know it all. Make sure you have the latest Scrum I previously had the 2011 version. It can be found here:…
And finally go through as many posts as you can in these forums. There are a lot of answers and explanations by the forum members which can help you a lot. Also, when finding any difficulties or questions while reading through the Scrum Guide, check the forums and if nobody has already asked those questions, create a new thread and someone will help you for sure.
Hope this helps :)
Thank you for your swift response! I also had the 2011 version! :s
I haven't thought of going through the forums, thanks for the advice!
Better get back to studying :)
Well done, great that you stuck with it and passed.
Not only that, the qualification and what it takes to get it, its not just a attendance ticket.