Research Request
I'm currently studying for a Masters in Software Engineering at the Open University. For my final dissertation, I'm studying how the transition to online work over the last two years has impacted how we teach Agile methodologies such as Scrum and Kanban, and what tools should be developed to bridge this gap.
To carry out some primary research, I have created a questionnaire to gather some data on the subject. I'm also planning on holding interviews with a few of the respondents who volunteer to dig a little deeper into their experiences.
If you have ever participated in an Agile course (in person or online), such as a Scrum Master training, Product Owner Training, or even exercises in an Agile meet-up event, please could you fill out the questionnaire? I'm especially keen to contact people who have run such training courses, and people who have attended or run online, instructor-led training courses.
The link to the questionnaire is
Thank you in advance for your help.