PSPO3 exam
Hello all,
I am prepping for the PSP03 exam, and wanted to check something about the essay element of the exam - are you OK to use some fairly well known short hands in your answers i.e. DoD, or PBI, or INVEST without fully writing them out? Or would you lose points for this?
The official advice from staff that I had for my PSMIII assessment was that common abbreviations are fine: PO, SM, PBI, DoD etc are all ok in this setting. It was also suggested that writing in bullet points rather than complete sentences / paragraphs. After all, it’s about assessing your scrum knowledge rather than English grammar skills. PSPOIII should be the same.
The other good one was to look for one bullet point style answer per question mark in the question. Not 100% on that, but a good rule of thumb. If there are 3 question marks and you only respond with 1 point, you’re probably dropping marks on that question.
I hope that helps, and good luck with the assessment.
I'm only a PSPO I, but logically the abbriviations of things found and abbriviated in the Scrum guide should be fine (PO, SM, Devs, PBI, DoD, etc...).
With abbreviations of IT terms that aren't part of Scrum officially but are just a lot used in reality such as INVEST, I would suggest to write 1 time INVEST (Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, Testable) and the other times just "INVEST" to safe time.
All the best and some good luck with the assessment!