Retry PSD exam after passing first time?
I recently followed the PSD (not PSM) course, took the assessment afterwards and passed. For the PSD training, you get 2 free tries.
In order to be able to become a trainer however, one needs more than 95%. So my questions is, what happens when I use my password for a second time, in order to get more than 95%? If I get less than 90% on the second try (you never know :-)), will I lose my certificate?
Is it possible to do a third try after you first 2 tries? If yes, what will it cost?
Thanks in advance!
AFAIK passwords are one-time only, so you will have to pay for a second attempt.
Whoops didn't read correctly that you have two attempts, sorry (for PSM course you get only one try).
A colleague tried it, and after passing the first time, he was able to do the exam a second time. He passed again, and all is well. :-)
Hi. Could any of you please share your experience of taking PSD 1 exam and the resources you used to gain knowledge and pass the exam. I am Full stack Developer/Business Analyst and have several years of experience working in Scrum team. I also recently passed PSM 1 and PSPO 1 certifications in first attempts. I am planning to take PSD 1 exam soon. Thanks you in advance.