Short master thesis survey on the influence of culture on the collaboration of agile teams
Do you work in an agile team? Do you have a "southern" cultural imprint (Southern Europe, Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, India, Latin- and South America) ? If you answers both questions with YES, please take 10 minutes time (until latest end of April) to participate in this survey from. I'm a master student of the university of Munich and would be glad if some of you consider participating in this survey. Thank you! (The survey is multilangual (German, English, Spanish))
Master thesis: Survey on the influence of cultural imprints on the collaboration of agile teams
Most of the items in questions 5 and 6 are Product Owner related.
You're asking people to take a survey without providing any information on yourself. Do you have a LinkedIn profile? Is there a profile page for you on your university's website? What's your university e-mail address? What's your advisor's e-mail address? What is the contact information for your Institutional Review Board or Behavioral Research Ethics Office?