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Product Backlog Anti-Patterns — An Introduction to Forensic Analysis

February 2, 2021

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Forensic Analysis: “Forensic analysis refers to a detailed investigation for detecting and documenting the course, reasons, culprits, and consequences of a security incident or violation of rules of the organization or state laws.” (Source:

Even if you chose to use Scrum for the right purpose—solving complex adaptive problems and your product quality is high, and the team is self-managing entirely; If your Product Backlog is not actionable, your Scrum Team will be performing at a mediocre level at best—way below its potential.

In this webinar, Professional Scrum Trainer Stefan Wolpers will addresses ten critical anti-patterns in Product Backlog management, that both Scrum Masters and Product Owners should address immediately, once identified. In this webinar, you will learn:

-Why an actionable Product Backlog is essential for your Scrum Team’s success
-How to spot and remedy issues that prevent your Product Backlog from becoming actionable,
-How you can defend your Product Backlog from falling back into the “old ways.”

The webinar is also well-suited for those Scrum Masters and Product Owners that are new to a Scrum Team and need to learn about the team’s previous way of working.

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