Which form of exam - pictures or text? (PSM I)
Exam questions look like pictures or text? Can I copy questions to use a translator?
You cannot copy the questions as that is a violation of the copyright. You can however use the Google Translate Plugin which many people do use to translate the text. You can find instructions on how to use it in a blog here.
Eric, thanks for your reply.
I was not talking about copying a question for saving, but about copying unfamiliar words or phrases for translation. Google Translate Plugin is also suitable for my purposes.
Hello Eric,
I've recently passed PSM 1 exam and I'll move on with PSPO 1. I couldn't use google plugin during my PSM 1 exam. When I clicked on the word, the plugin didn't work and I thought that this was about copyright issues. Can you please explain/help me about why I have this problem? Is it enough to invoke the plugin and reload page or is it about copyright? During PSPO 1, I want to use it without any issue.
Thank you.
Hello Ece,
I have not heard of others with similar issues using the plugin. Please read the blog on how to use it and make sure that you are using Chrome and maybe reinstall the plugin if needed.