Scrum at Life...
Scrum, a framework which is not only used for software development but can also be used and applied at life, to bring in a lot of joy, value and an invariable focus towards achieving set goals and keeping up the priorities.
Anyone who applies scrum at life would definitely thrives and experience jubilation. The three pillars (of empiricism), which upholds scrum, are Transparency, Inspection and Adaptation. If we look at these three pillars from a different perspective they also play a vital role in sustaining the life style. At any point in time, it’s good and necessary to constantly look upon and work on these three elements (pillars) in order to have a remarkable journey towards an amazing and promising life.
We must be true (TRANSPARENT) to ourselves, our family/friends and people around us. It generates faith in ourselves, the individuals around us and sends the positive vibes across. Many of the times transparency avoids disputes among the individuals (either at work or at home) and it shows our righteousness in a way, and we get trusted; and, obviously strengthens the relations with people.
Whatever situation may we come across (be it good or bad), one thing which is must to do is INSPECTing, our pathways,actions and behavior; it helps in correcting, achieving and augmenting our goals (again, be it personal or professional). Inspection does not go in vain when we profoundly look for ways to improvise. Definitely, one can always find different ways to improve and inspire through regular inspections. A sincere inspection of what are we doing now and what more can we do much better, impulses our future prospects.
We are living in a VUCA world (we must admit it), things will not/never always be as we anticipate, we should neither stick to the way we ought to be nor be inflexible, rather, we must ADAPT and realize the fact that change is constant and evolves, and may also move quickly from one facet to other. The adaptation nature in oneself not only develops resilience but also encourages in facing the challenges/status quo, and, cheering up even when fails, as one will intrinsically start taking the failures as learning/feedback.
To experience a vivid and versatile life, I apply Scrum at life :)
Thanks for reading ...!
Nice one Akbar..!!
Scrum Values are inspired from real life..!!
Good one Akbar.
This post inspires me to apply SCRUM at life.