PSM II compared to PSM I
I'm thinking about passing PSM II. How does it compare to PSM I? I mean, there is only 1 scrum guide? Its not like they can ask you about something different?
Hi Gleb,
They are testing very different things and concepts. PSM I looks to see if you understand Scrum, PSM II looks to understand if you can apply it using Case Study type questions and application of Scrum questions.
Hey, thanks for sharing some insights, however this is extremely vague, any examples available somewhere to at least try to understand where do I fit i this picture? how far away I'm from at least attempting this exam?
Hey, thanks for sharing some insights, however this is extremely vague, any examples available somewhere to at least try to understand where do I fit i this picture? how far away I'm from at least attempting this exam?
If I remember correctly, the question format is along the line of
As a (role)
Given (a situation)
I will (execute an action or following actions)