Passed PSM 1 96 % and PSPO 92%
I completed both PSM (96%) and PSPO 1 (92%) certifications within a week of each other on my 1st attempt.
Thank you to this forum reading past experiences helped a ton in preparing for these certs.
Tips I can pass along are no different than what others have stated on the forum
1. Know the scrum guide and understand how to apply it inside and out to the roles, rules, artifacts and events.
2. I also Volkerdon for practice. Use the learning modes until you understand the meaning of why the answer is right, then take the simulation test mode.
3. Take the open assessments (psm, pspo, nexus,developer) until you get 100% constantly and understand why the answers are correct.
4. Read other material as suggested, The Scrum Narrative and PSPO guide by Mohammed Ali were great resources at a low coast and also provided practice questions.
I am torn between going for scaled scrum or Professional agile leadership next. Any advise from those who have taken those certifications.
Congrats, William. Thanks for your review