Agile Nomad - Scrum Companion for Mobile Users
As a reference to digital nomads, agile nomads are scrum team members that are looking to manage backlogs using their mobile device (iPad, iPhone, iPod). Nomads scribble on whiteboards and capture their thoughts by using the camera. Point, shoot and and link media to a backlog item. The tool allows developers to record their daily scrum as audio or capture any other sound-bites using a voice recorder. Product owners can color or tag backlog items to organize releases, MVP or themes. Nomads dictate backlog content rather than typing it and store content in the cloud. Invite your team members to your project by e-mail and collaborate in teams using the cloud.
Interested in checking it out? The agile nomad is free companion in iTunes (iOS only). We are looking for more feedback from using the nomad in various project settings. Videos are here: and for download here:
I am not sure why it says in-app purchase on iTunes as there is actually no in-app purchase available.