Is SCRUM for Service Managers or just Developers?
I'm currently looking at new roles as a Service Delivery Manager and keep seeing SCRUM knowledge come up for certain jobs. Reading through the forum I pick up on more 'Developers' tend to take this certification. Just wondering how SCRUM (without prior learning) could be used at management level? Thanks Julio
Hi Julio,
I could be wrong, but don't think there is 'Manager' role in the Scrum Guide.
You have a product owner, a scrum master and a development team, which may contain more than just developers (if the 'developer' here means system architect/designer/programmer).
Service delivery manager, most of the case, may take the scrum master role.
I suggest the prior learning.
However, an iterative approach with continuous retrospective learning to anything you do is never a bad thing.
Look for a complex product to build & maintain (an organization ; an entreprise strategy ; a team...), look for someone responsible for it (you as a top manager = PO ?), look for someone to do the real work (your team of manager) , and look for someone to help (a coach called a Scrum Master).
Then you can try to apply Scrum.