PSM-3 certification help
Hi team,
Could you please let us know the PSM-3 exam books and materials.I am just going through
Hiren Doshi and guntherverheyen books and blogs. provides a list of books recommended for scrummaster certification.
I would personally recommend "succeeding with agile" on top of that.
Vinay - Besides experience, what books did you read for your PSM II?
All the best
I read "scrum insights for practitioner" writtern by hiren doshi and went through
its really a good one
Agreed it is worthy of reading. I read it on in a day.
Do anyone have the idea of % marks divided for multiple choice and essay questions approximately in PSM III?
In my experiences roughly 85-90% of points was to be gained from essay questions
Thanks Norbert for your information. One more question, how many days it will take to get the final score for PSM-III as I know that essay question will be evaluated manually.
about one week
Just started studying for the PSM3 assesment. For passing on my PSM2 assesment I already read the Scrum Guide (duh), Scrum Mastery and Software in 30 Days.
Now, for my PSM3 assesment I[ve already read The Lean Start Up, The New New Product Development Game, A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making and The Five Disfunctions of a Team. After that I`m going to read Agile Retrospectives and Scrum - A Smart Travel Companion.
Hoping that this will be enough. If you have any futher adivice on how to prepare for this assesment, I`m open to it as well. :)
First of all good luck with your PSM 3 journey. Secodly, what really helped me were the blogs of Ian Mitchell and Gunther Verheyen.
Thanks for your adivice Nicholas! I`ve passed the PSM3 assesment. :)
Congratulations @Andre!! I am preparing for PSM3 any advice could help?
Congratulations Andre!!! I am preparing for PSM3 as well, any advice could help me to prepare for passing the assessment?
Any recommended book for PSM 3 that updated with Scrum 2020