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Automatiser le report des story points restant d'un sprint à un autre

Last post 07:37 pm December 2, 2024 by Pierre Pienaar
1 reply
03:44 pm November 28, 2024

Bonjour à tous,

Je cherche de l'aide pour automatiser le report des "story points restants" de sprint_1 au sprint_2 et que se fasse sur "story point" de sprint_2.


07:37 pm December 2, 2024

To transfer "remaining story points" while keeping track of the original story point count involves additional effort, and many teams choose not to do it. Moreover, placing too much emphasis on story point velocity can be counterproductive, which is another reason why teams often don't use perfect accuracy in velocity tracking.

As an example, consider a backlog item initially estimated at 8 story points. If it remains unfinished, it returns to the backlog and is re-evaluated at say 3 story points. When it is completed in the subsequent sprint, only 3 story points are included in the velocity. While one could argue that the original estimate of 8 points should be reflected in velocity calculations, this would add complexity. Extra overhead is needed to record the original story point value. This can be done, and the original value can be used for velocity calculations.

Instead, many teams simply use the re-evaluated 3 story points in velocity calculations, as the focus should not be on chasing velocity metrics but rather on the actual work delivered and outcomes achieved.


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