Has anyone used the following for mock tests (PSM ) ?
I have used mlapshin, Scrum open assessments so far and found them useful.
Please review :
I took a practice test on the first link above and am not sure if they have listed the correct answers. I am hoping feedback received here will help us rule out some of the links we should not be referring for practice assessments.
1. Empiricism provides
A. frequent opportunities to make informed decisions reducing risk
B. frequent opportunities to get information using which uncertainity can be completely eliminated
C. Frequent opportunities to discuss different possibilities
Question - On reviewing answers above - A is true , B is false but is "C" true ?
2. Scrum team gathers for sprint planning meeting. The product owner has some stories but the team finds that stories do not provide enough information to make the forecast. The immediate next best thing to do is
A. Development makes it transparent that they cannot forecast with insufficient information and negotiates with the product owner on refining the stories to ready state
B. Scrum team discusses the root cause in retrospective
C. Scrum Master cancels the sprint
D. The development team proceeds with whatever is known
I answered A and it lists it as correct answer (has a green check mark next to it ) but under feedback for the same questions, it states the following
"The product owner needs to help clarify selected product backlog items. The scrum master can also coach the product owner on how to accomplish this for example by having regular backlog refinement sessions. Answer "D" is also correct but the question asks about "immediate next step". The correct answer is "C"
I disagree with above. I don't think C is the correct answer. Scrum master is not authorized to cancel the sprint (Only the Product Owner has the authority to cancel the Sprint, although he or she may do so under influence from the stakeholders, the Development Team, or the Scrum Master. )
3. An important executive wants the development team to take to take in a highly critical feature in the current sprint. The development team
A. As empowered team will seek the executive to select an alternative work to be removed instead
B. Will work on that since organization priority is more important
C. Will ask executive to work with Product owner
I answered C and the feedback says that the correct answer is B ( I disagree with this as well )
Please provide your inputs on the correct options for above questions. Thank you !
Sapna, you need to be very wary of Scrum practice questions/exams provided by other sources/vendors besides Scrum.org. Many of them are simply incorrect in their understanding of Scrum.
I will concede that MLapshin's practice assessments are very good, in that each question is based directly on Scrum Guide content.
In my experience Scrum Guide, MLapshin's assessments and Scrum .org assessments are more than enough for PSM I
Thank you Timothy and Ankit !
Similar to others that posted ahead of me, I totally agree about MLapshin's assessment, scrum.org practice questions, and the Scrum Guide. This was all I required and I am a rookie.
My primary challenge was with the website locking up on me during the exam. Fortunately, I only lost five minutes, refreshed, and passed the first time.
Good luck!
When learning for PSM I I also made some tests from the second link. It helped me to improve my knowledge. Even so I remember that there were few questions on which I didn't agree with their answers. From my experience I believe that it is enough if you go through the assesments recommended here on the Forum.( the open assesments and Lapshin)
It is always good to gain knowledge, but remember scrum guide is the single master source which has all the information when we have deep understanding. I would strongly suggest to refer Scrum Guide for answering any of the questions and do not deviate from them.
Scrum Guide and suggested Subject Areas are more than enough to clear PSM I.