What belongs solely to Development Team?
Hello. I was solving the test of Mikhail Lapsin and answered this question wrong.
"What belongs to solely to Development Team?"
a) The Sprint Backlog
b) Increment
c) Definition of Done
d) The Product Backlog
The correct answer is only a. However Scrum Guide says "Development Teams deliver an Increment of product functionality every Sprint. Only members of the Development Team create the Increment."
Also I think that DoD is done by development teams. So my answer was a,b,c.
What am I missing here? The terms "Belong" and "do" are different? Does Development Team create an increment but it belongs to whole Scrum Team? Yea, the Scrum Team(s) have common understanding of DoD but isn't it done by Development Team(s)?
The development team works on the increment during a sprint, but then doesn't that increment go on display at the Sprint Review? Do other members of the team interact with the increment at that point?
For the definition of done, I see where you might be confused. The Scrum Guide explicitly states "the Development Team of the Scrum Team must define a definition of 'done' appropriate for the product." However, for every other mention of the "definition of done", the Scrum Team is referenced as using and revising the definition. The artifact is initially created by the development team but is then shared with the Scrum Master and Product Owner at different events for input and revision.
The Sprint Backlog is never touched by the Scrum Master or Product Owner in any functional way.
So, what I think you may be missing is the difference between being the sole creator or the sole owner of an artifact.