Help regarding writing user story
I am new to agile . I have worked on waterfall model only till now.
I would like to learn more about writing user stories.
Total how many user stories we have to write for below scenario ? can you give one example?
USER: Message writer
"Message writer" user will need to fill 3 fields and submit the form. After submission message goes to reviewer who will review the message. On submit form there are 2 fields only. 1. Message text 2. Additional information.
Please guide.
@Vishal, you can use a behavior-driven user story format to write your user stories:
As a [role]
I want [feature]
So that [benefit]
For your case above, you can create two stories:
1) As a "Message writer"
I want to submit a message
So that my message can be reviewed by a reviewer
2) As a Reviewer
I should get a notification when a Message writer submits a message
So that I can review the message
You can also create acceptance criteria for the first story like so:
Given the "Message writer" is on the message submission page,
And "Message writer" enters a message in the message text field,
And "Message writer" enters optional text in the Additional information text field,
When the "Message writer" clicks the submit button,
Then the page should display a message submitted message.
And the reviewer should get a notification on a waiting message.
I think the 'benefit part' of the user story could be bit more value adding than merely for reviewer to review as the purpose of message is beyond that. The scrum team should understand the product better and Product Owner plays an important role in conveying the the same by means of writing the user stories.
Thank you Ram.
Your reply is very helpful.
As a "Message writer"
I want to submit a message
So that my message can be reviewed by a reviewer
2) As a Reviewer
I should get a notification when a Message writer submits a message
So that I can review the message
You can also create acceptance criteria for the first story like so:
Given the "Message writer" is on the message submission page,
And "Message writer" enters a message in the message text field,
And "Message writer" enters optional text in the Additional information text field,
When the "Message writer" clicks the submit button,
Then the page should display a message submitted message.
And the reviewer should get a notification on a waiting message.
In case second field is not optional, then can we combine both the fields in single user story as below or we need to write two different user stories for multiple fields ? Consider first field is Message 1 and second field is Message2.
As a "Message writer"
I want to submit a message1 and message2 field
So that my message can be reviewed by a reviewer.