Just passed PSM 1. Would it take much to pass PSPO?
I want to ride the wave of my PSM1 success and pass PSPO 1.
Would it require much extra effort? I have no Product Owner experience at all, just 10 years Scrum experience as a developer. If it was > than 1 week of effort then I might direct my effort elsewhere.
I regularly pass the Product Owner Scrum Open Assessment 100%.
Nope I just passed PSPO 1 this weekend and the main difference is the angle of the questions so same context of a daily scrum for instance and now the question is does the PO attend instead of the question will the SM attend. I did not notice a huge difference in difficulty. Good Luck!
Would you share your study guide, or a study guide you think I should follow after nailing the PSM I? I'm trying to gauge how much extra effort that exam would take.
Ignore that - I just took the exam regardless. Passed with 90%, 72/80.
Very similar to the PSM I. I'm now beginning to this think this certification thing is a money racket.
Is there a limitation to take PSPO 1 if you fail once?
No limitations as for as I know
There are no limits in place as far as I know
I passed my PSM 1 exam my first attempt in Summer of 2017. (I also forked over $1,500 for training, and that was an enormous waste of money.)
So it sounds like one can do self-study and passing the PSPO 1 is about the same difficulty as passing the PSM 1, right?
I have self-studied for all of the certs I have achieved here. It took a couple of tries on the PSM II but it can be done.
Can you please share the strategy you used to pass the PSPO I? Also, which study resources did you lean on the most?
To pass the PSM I, I focused almost entirely on the Scrum Guide and the Scrum Open. However, I sense that the PSPO I is more difficult.
And not to get too far ahead, but what did you do to pass the PSPO II?