Nexus - Refinement events?
This query is from Nexus Guide - Next Sprint Planning Event.
[To begin Nexus Sprint Planning, appropriate representatives from each Scrum Team validate and make adjustments to the ordering of the work as created during Refinement events. All members of the Scrum Teams should participate to minimize communication issues.]
Which Refinement event(s) are being referred to here?
[Refine the Product Backlog: The Product Backlog needs to be decomposed so that dependencies are identified and removed or minimized. Product Backlog items are refined into thinly sliced pieces of functionality and the team likely to do the work should be identified as early as possible.]
Hi Pankaj,
As described in the guide Refinement events are one type of Nexus events. They typically happen on a constant basis in order to achieve the sufficiently low levels of dependency and complexity of PBIs so that Sprint Planning events can be efficient.
Thanks Michael
I went through the section in Nexus Guide. Also - validating my experience with scaling with Disciplined Agile Delivery framework - finding it logical and the way it combines leading Agile Practices, frameworks and Methods.
Thanks once again!
r/Pankaj Ahuja